Yellow is considered to be the color that catches our attention the most. Bright yellow shades, full of life and energy, are the most luminescent colors on the visible spectrum. Yellow is 2.5 times more visible in peripheral vision than red and it is processed first by the human eye. That is why yellow is used to warn people to use caution while driving. In nature, yellow is … [Read more...] about What Does the Color Yellow Mean? 9 Interesting Things About Yellow You Probably Didn’t Know
What is the difference between RGB, Hex and CMYK Color values?
Colors are not just represented in shades and hues, they’re also represented through color values such as RGB, Hex, and CMYK. These acronyms may not make sense to a non-designer, but they are actually an integral part of our lives ever single day. Color surrounds us each and every day. We see so many different shades, hues, and tints of colors that we may not even realize … [Read more...] about What is the difference between RGB, Hex and CMYK Color values?
11 Color Theory Books that Every Graphic Designer Should Read
Reading color theory books can be a huge benefit to any artist or designer. The study of color theory allows us to use colors more effectively and naturally in our work. It does not matter what your background in color theory is all graphic designers can benefit from studying color theory. Using color not only helps enhance our work as artists but also allow us to develop a … [Read more...] about 11 Color Theory Books that Every Graphic Designer Should Read
How to Choose the Right Color Palette for a Business
Colors can be a strong motivating factor when it comes to purchasing a product or service. Your brand can benefit if you understand the impact of color on consumer behavior. Whether you are looking to start your own company or expand your existing business, choosing the right colors can determine how successful you are. This article will cover everything you need to know … [Read more...] about How to Choose the Right Color Palette for a Business