Magenta Hex, RGB, PMS and CMYK Color Codes
If you need a specific shade of magenta, here are some of the different shades below.
Neon Fuschia
PMS: PMS 2385
Hex Color: #db3eb1;
RGB: (219,62,177)
CMYK: (23 83 0 0)
PMS: PMS 2385
Hex Color: #db3eb1;
RGB: (219,62,177)
CMYK: (23 83 0 0)
PMS: Process Magenta C
Hex: D9017A
RGB: (217,1,122)
CMYK: (0,100,0,0)
PMS: Process Magenta C
Hex: D9017A
RGB: (217,1,122)
CMYK: (0,100,0,0)
PMS: Process Magenta U
Hex: D53F77
RGB: (213,63,119)
CMYK: (0,100,0,0)
PMS: Process Magenta U
Hex: D53F77
RGB: (213,63,119)
CMYK: (0,100,0,0)
Light Magenta
PMS: Magenta 0521 C
Hex: F1B2DC
RGB: (241, 178, 220)
CMYK: (0,34,0,0)
PMS: Magenta 0521 C
Hex: F1B2DC
RGB: (241, 178, 220)
CMYK: (0,34,0,0)
If you are looking for a magenta color chart or a specific shade of magenta, use these three shades of magenta from the PMS color values chart. You can use these values also to convert hex to rgb or vice versa. When forming a palette using these specific shades for your brand or digital project, these are commonly used shades of the color.
If you are looking to match paint to a specific shade listed on this site, you can look up the PMS color name and show it to the paint store. They can use that swatch to match the paint.
Magenta Haze and Magenta Purple Shades
Purplish Magenta
PMS: Magenta Haze
Hex: 9D446E
RGB: (157,68,110)
PMS: Magenta Haze
Hex: 9D446E
RGB: (157,68,110)
PMS: Magenta Purple
Hex: 6B264B
RGB: (107,38,75)
PMS: Magenta Purple
Hex: 6B264B
RGB: (107,38,75)
Colors That Go Well With Magenta
Neon Green
PMS: PMS 802 C
Hex: 44D62C
RGB: (68,214,44)
CMYK: (51,0,85,0)
PMS: PMS 802 C
Hex: 44D62C
RGB: (68,214,44)
CMYK: (51,0,85,0)
PMS: Process Yellow C
Hex: F6E500
RGB: (246,229,0)
CMYK: (0,0,100,0)
PMS: Process Yellow C
Hex: F6E500
RGB: (246,229,0)
CMYK: (0,0,100,0)